Change of Name and Direction

I have been in the process of refocusing my writing. And one of the results of this is that I will be using this blog in some of the ways in which it was originally intended when it was created over a decade ago. Within that purpose discussion of the subjects of Isis and the Virgin Mary were central. Over the years that changed when it became increasingly obvious that my desire to help initiate a dialogue regarding the status of the Virgin Mary between Christians and Pagans had failed. It also became obvious that my own dreams that a bhakti religion in devotion to Isis might develop clearly were not going to be realized.

At that point I then went on and expanded the subject matter of the blog in other directions particularly into the areas of Filianic / Deanic theology when I became committed to that religion for a period of years.

Now for several years this blog has been inactive and I have been out of the Deanic religion, though there are still commonalities between that faith and my own. Now in what will probably be the last active writing period of my life
before my inevitable decline, I am returning the centrality of Isis to this blog again. Aligned with this, I have also become much more familiar with the general subject of inclusive monotheistic tendencies within the religions of ancient nations such as Egypt and Greece. I have been particularly interested
in the Amunite solar religion during Egypt’s New Kingdom, Ramesside period. During that time period the
worship of Amun took many theological aspects which pushed it into a strong Panentheistic and inclusively monotheistic direction.
Thus a discussion of certain aspects of Ancient Egyptian religion will be discussed periodically within the blog as well. And of course in general I will change directions in my writings as I see fit.